The Worship Leader is a part-time position tasked with planning, preparing for, and leading weekly worship services that connects with the church body, promotes authentic worship, and proclaims the uncompromised message of the Gospel.
Clear testimony of a life that has trusted in and is walking with Jesus Christ
Experience planning, preparing, and leading worship services
A heart to lead people in worship and not just lead a worship service
Agrees with our church’s beliefs and doctrines
Skilled in vocal and instrumental direction
Can proficiently play an instrument in the worship band (ex: guitar, keyboard)
Quality singing voice and engaging stage presence
Has experience with the use of technology in worship such as lighting, worship software, sound systems, video projection, etc.
Team player with good relational skills and a positive attitude
Self-starter who strives for quality
Lead the congregation in worship and direct the flow and elements of the service.
Develop a weekly order of service in coordination with the senior pastor and communicate it in advance to the members of the band and tech team. Currently we use for this task.
Direct a weekly rehearsal with the worship band that both prepares for a quality performance on Sunday, and develops new music to be introduced to the congregation in future services. The worship leader ultimately chooses the music, but it is important that he/she seeks input from the band members on song choices.
Ensure that the stage set-ups, lighting, sound system, video systems, and worship presentation software are working properly and ready for the service.
Build the worship presentation on ProPresenter for each week’s service. This includes such things as announcement graphics, countdown videos, and song slides.
Recruit volunteers to help you support Wednesday night ministries – youth and children, VBS, DNOW, activities of the church outside of Wed night and Sunday mornings.
Recruit and/or develop new musicians, singers, and tech team members sufficient to carry out the weekly needs of the service and prepare for future needs.
Develop a yearly budget for the music ministry and follow the financial guidelines for purchases.
Engage in the body of the church as an active member by joining a Bible study group, seeking to make connections with members beyond the worship stage, and supporting the vision, mission and pastors of the church
Complete New Member class
Work under the guidance of the senior pastor.
This is a part-time position paid monthly salary. Expect between 10-15 hours per week.
APPLYING: Please apply by sending a resume with contact information to: WGBC Worship Leader PO Box 33 Russellville KY 42276